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City Beautiful (Güzel Þehir) Hareketinin etkisi ile Kolomb'un Amerika’yý keþfetmesinin 400. yýlý anýsýna 1 Mayýs ile 30 Ekim 1893 tarihleri arasýnda Chicago'da Dünyanýn o zamana kadarki en büyük fuarý gerçekleþtirilmiþtir. Fuarýn amacý daha önce insan gözünün görmediði bir þey yaratmaktý. Fuarýn daha önce hiç olmadýðý kadar büyük, daha güzel ve özgün olmasý gerekiyordu. Fuarýn mimari tasarýmýn koordinasyonundan ve kentsel tasarýmdan sorumlu Daniel Burnham, Amerika'nýn en tanýnmýþ mimarlarý ve tasarýmcýlarýyla çalýþtý. City Beautiful için ilk büyük ölçekli çalýþmasýnýn, 1893 Dünya Chicago Fuarý'ndaki " White City (Beyaz Þehir)" olduðu kabul edilmektedir. Binalar parlak beyaza boyandýðý için Chicago "Beyaz Þehir" olarak adlandýrýldý. Modern bir þehirde ortaya çýkabilecek her soruna çözümler sunduðu vurgulanýyordu. Burnham fuarda gösterdiði baþarýlarýyla büyük ün kazandý ve ilgi gördü. Fuar sonrasýnda da Burnham önemli eserler verdi. Bu eserlerde fuarda edindiði tecrübelerden büyük ölçüde faydalandý. Bununla birlikte fuarýn eleþtirilen yönleri de oldu. Ancak pek çok sebeple, 1893 Chicago Dünya Fuarý hem Amerika hem de dünya tarihinde büyük bir dönüm noktasý olarak deðerlendirilmektedir. Bu makalenin amacý; 1893 Chicago Dünya Fuarý ve Daniel Burnham’ýn modern þehircilik anlayýþýnýn fuar ve sonrasýndaki etkilerini incelemektir. With the effect of the City Beautiful Movement, between May 1 and October 30, 1893 the world's largest fair was held in Chicago up to that time to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Columbus' discovery of America. The purpose of the fair was to create something that the human eye had not seen before. The fair had to be bigger, more beautiful and original than ever before. Responsible for the architectural design coordination and urban design of the fair, Daniel Burnham has worked with America's best-known architects and designers. It is accepted that the first large-scale work of City Beautiful was the "White City" at the 1893 World's Chicago Fair. Chicago was nicknamed the "White City" because the buildings were painted bright white. It was emphasized that he offered solutions to every problem that could arise in a modern city. Burnham gained great fame and attention with his successes at the fair. After the fair, Burnham produced important works. In these works, he benefited greatly from the experiences he gained at the fair. However, there were also criticisms of the fair. However, for many reasons, the 1893 Chicago World's Fair is considered a major turning point in both American and world history. The aim of this article is; to examine the effects of the 1893 Chicago World's Fair and Daniel Burnham's understanding of modern urbanism during and after the fair.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Chicago Dünya Fuarý, Daniel Burnham, Beyaz Þehir (White City), Güzel Þehir (City Beautiful)